Yellow fungus, Black fungus, and white fungus which are more dangerous?

Yellow fungus, Black fungus, and white fungus which are more dangerous?

The Coronavirus cases in India have finally started decreasing, but there is still no relief for Indian people because of the soaring cases of fungi.

After Black and white fungus now cases of Yellow fungus have also been reported in many parts. 

Representative image
Yellow fungus came into the spotlight after a case was reported in Ghaziabad, UP. A patient who was earlier diagnosed with white and black fungus also got infected with yellow fungus. 

What is Yellow Fungus Disease?

Yellow fungus disease also called mucor septic is a fungal infection commonly found in lizards. The fungal infection occurs in the interior section of the body hence it is hard to detect. 

This is common in lizards but due to excessive use of steroids and immunosuppressants, humans have also become prone to this fungus. The yellow fungal infection is not contagious, it does not spread from one person to another. 

How is yellow fungus different from Black and white fungus?

The yellow fungus occurs internally, and it is hard to detect but the symptoms of white and black fungus are easily observable. All three fungi can be treated easily if detected on time. 

Black fungus is easier to detect, but it also has the highest cases as compared to the other two fungi. The white fungus has Covid-19 like symptoms but when tested the reports are negative while Yellow fungus is internal and hard to detect. 

If the treatment is delayed during infection of black, white, or yellow fungus disease it can lead to severe complications, organ failure, and in some cases even death of the patient. 

How is the fungus affecting India?

The coronavirus cases have already put too much pressure on the healthcare system of India and now the increasing number of fungi cases is putting the healthcare system in more trouble. 

Black fungus disease has already been declared as an epidemic in a few states with more than 10,000 reported cases while only a few cases of white fungal infection have been reported so far. The number of yellow fungus disease cases reported so far is very less and this is one of the reasons that experts don’t know much about it. 

What causes yellow fungus disease?

So far three factors have been reported to cause the spread of Yellow fungus disease.

Low humidity and poor hygiene are the major factors that lead to the growth of the yellow fungus. A humidity level below 30-40 percent contributes to fungal development. Consuming Stale food also increases the chance of infection. 

Just like the other two fungi, it affects people with lower immunity like diabetic patients, people with HIV/AIDS, cancer, or high cholesterol. Excessive use of steroids and uncontrolled medication in the treatment of Covid-19 has contributed to decreasing immunity.  

Symptoms of Yellow fungus

The initial symptoms of this fungus are 

  • Weight loss
  • Reduced appetite
  • lethargy

If the Yellow fungus is not treated at the initial stage it can become more complex and the severe symptoms include:

  • Pus leakage
  • Sunken eyes
  • Organ failure
  • Slow healing of wounds 
  • Necrosis (premature death of living tissue)

Treatment of Yellow Fungus

So far only Amphotericin B injection is used for yellow fungus treatment. Amphotericin B is an antifungal injection, and it is also used in the treatment of black fungus. But the best thing to do is to take preventive measures. 

  • To prevent the yellow fungal infection:
  • Maintain hygiene around you
  • Take care of personal hygiene
  • Keep the humidity in check and try to maintain a cross ventilation
  • Do not consume stale food

In case of any discomfort or symptom of the fungal infection visit the doctor as soon as possible