White fungi: Another deadly fungus in India after black fungus

White fungi: Another deadly fungus in India after black fungus

Black fungi have been recently declared as an epidemic in many states like Bihar. Now Doctors are warning people of another fungus called White fungi.

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Many rumors have clouded the news of white fungi. Some are claiming that it is more dangerous than the Black fungus while some state that it is less harmful compared to blank fungus. 

What is White Fungus?

Like the Black Fungus, the white fungus is also caused by fungi mold named mucormycetes. These fungi molds are present in the environment and thrive easily in the humid and polluted air of Indian cities.  

4 cases of white fungus have been reported from Patna, Bihar. The virus is considered lethal if not cured on time. 

Just like Black fungus, the white fungus cannot be transmitted from one person to another. However, it can be inhaled directly from the environment. Once it invades the body, it can severely damage the vital organs of those people who have very weak immunity. 

It mostly affects the lungs and other vital organs like the skin, stomach, kidney, brain. It also causes damage to nails and the private parts of a person. 

COVID-19 patients are more at risk as this fungus affects the lungs, but it can also cause damage to HIV, AIDS, cancer, and diabetic patients because of their weak immunity. Even pregnant women and children are at risk due to this fungus.

How is it different from Black Fungi?

White fungus is considered more harmful than black fungi, but many doctors have denied these claims. 

According to an article in TNM, Dr. Anchlia said, “As per medical literature, aspergillosis is not as dangerous as mucormycosis. However, if left untreated, it can, just like mucor, spread to the eyes and the brain and can be fatal. She is the Professor and Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Govt Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad.” 

Symptoms of White fungi disease

People infected with white fungi show COVID-like symptoms but tests negative for it. The 4 people who were diagnosed with white fungi in Patna, Bihar showed acute lung infection, but they tested negative for COVID-19. 

Visible symptoms are: 

  • Cough
  • Chest pain
  • Breathlessness
  • Swelling
  • Infections
  • Headaches and pains

Treatment of white fungi disease

Doctor recommendation is necessary for treatment. Do not go for home remedies as keeping the fungi for a prolonged period in your body can prove fatal. Usually, anti-fungal is given for their treatment. 

How to check for white fungus disease?

If a patient doubts that he/she is infected with white fungi then testing for COVID-19 is also recommended. However, to check for white fungi CT scans and X-rays are the most trusted ways. 

How to prevent white fungi disease?

White fungi can be prevented by maintaining hygiene and cleanliness. While giving oxygen to a patient sometimes people pour tap water in the humidifier which can be the main reason behind such fungal infections. 

Ensure the proper sanitation and use of clean water. Also, avoid unhygienic places where such fungus can thrive. 


The doctors recommend that COVID-19 recovered patients or people with weak immunity take this virus seriously and immediately to doctors in case of any discomfort. Early detection of fungi is important because there is a shortage of medicines required to treat it.